The ZUR-23-2KG Jodek-G Anti-aircraft Artillery-Missile System is equipped with 23 mm cannons, “GROM” missiles and traverse and elevation electric drives. It is designed to fight low flying airborne targets such as aircrafts, helicopters, surface-to-air missiles, airborne troops and lightly armored terrestrial targets. The ZUR-23-2KG system is designed to operate with the external fire control system. The weapon is equipped with a CP-1 programmable collimator sight available in a day-night mode and a range finder with two operable ballistics. Optionally the weapon can be equipped with a CKE-2 collimator sight. The applicable ammunition for the ZUR-23-2KG is of the following types: Armor-piercing Incendiary with Tracer (API/BZT), High-explosive Incendiary with Tracer (HEI/ OFZT), Armor-piercing Discarding Sabot with Tracer (APDS-T) and Frangible Armor-piercing Discarding Sabot with Tracer (FAPDS-T) as well as the “GROM” missiles for the rocket launcher.