Company Overview


Zakłady Mechaniczne “Tarnów” S.A. carry out  industrial activities since 1917, which makes the company one of the oldest enterprises in Tarnów. The company manufactures armament and military equipment since the 50’s. Successively developed competences allow the company to implement devices in various departments and the following branches: mechanical, electrical and electronical constructions, and computer systems including software.


The showcase of the enterprise contains a wide variety of armament and military equipment, particularly sniper rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, artillery mortars, anti-aircraft artillery-rocket sets and training equipment play an important role.


Zakłady Mechaniczne are recognized as a renowned supplier of military equipment to the Polish Armed Forces, uniformed services and other foreign recipients. The company is well experienced in implementation of complex projects and cooperates with other enterprises and research-development units. Project design and manufacturing are based on IT support and technology, which ensures the highest standard of the produced armament. The company offers co-operational services including: plastic working, electroplating, heat treatment, chemical technologies and machining. Such a wide selection of services is only possible because the company pays constant attention to research, development and product innovation.


The established Research and Development Center is capable of creating new product technologies for military and uniformed services, this is the basis for the company to stand its ground among Polish defense  industry leaders and to strengthen its position on foreign markets.


The ownership of research and development facilities makes it easier to autonomously follow development of military technology. The R&D develops complex armament systems, based on own design including: electronic components, IT software, hardware such as computers, military screens and monitors, control manipulators, drives, operator desktops and panels.


We encourage to join all the companies and institutions interested in cooperation within the technology development for defense industry.  Business partners from civil market are welcomed as well.